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meet jason

Meet Jason Amatucci



"Life is never easy. There is work to be done and obligations to be met - obligations to truth, to justice and to liberty." 
-John F. Kennedy


Jason's passion for natural remedies & sustainable development and assisting the re-emergence of the American agricultural sector has been eternal.
Through the years, Jason has been a primary drafter & editor of all hemp bills passed in the Virginia General Assembly. He also assisted with the Industrial Hemp Farming Act in the United States Congress.
Jason earned his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Georgia with a double major in Anthropology and Political Science & received a Certificate in Global Studies from the Center for the Study in Global Issues.
In his free time, Jason enjoys cooking & pairing good food with good wine. You can find him on the ski slopes in winter and on the golf course or a hiking trail in the warmer months. Jason is a college basketball & football fan - his favorite teams are the Virginia Cavaliers & the Georgia Bulldogs.


In 2012, Jason founded The Virginia Industrial Hemp Coalition, a grassroots education and advocacy group that works on correcting state and federal laws that inhibit the American hemp industry. As a recognized leader in the field, Jason has been instrumental in Virginia, connecting those who support the cause and organizing groups for action-based initiatives.
Jason has been an integral piece in helping to grow Virginia's hemp economy. He's successfully advocated and worked for state and federal reform. He has also helped build Virginia's hemp infrastructure and has worked with Virginia universities to establish research programs regarding the plant.


In 2016, Jason teamed up with Michael Bowman of the National Hemp Association and Mike Lewis of Growing Warriors to fly one of the first American-grown, American-made hemp flags over City Hall in downtown Charlottesville. The flag represented the age of the comeback crop and the "crop of our founding fathers." The trio later presented the flag as a gift to hemp advocate and veteran, Willie Nelson.
In 2017, Jason worked with Virginia Representative and Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Bob Goodlatte. Jason invited Representative Goodlatte to a Virginia Hemp Field Day where the Congressman changed his opinion in favor of legalizing hemp production.


By GREGORY S. SCHNEIDER | 11/26/2016
“We could be way more aggressive the way Kentucky is being aggressive,” said Jason Amatucci, "but Virginia does not choose to take that risk."
By LAURA PETERS | 12/13/2018 10:45PM EDT
"The Farm Bill should be signed into law in the coming weeks and then immediately go into effect, according to Jason Amatucci, founder of the Virginia Industrial Hemp Coalition. The President is fully expected to sign the bill into law very soon, he said. The 2018 Farm Bill is the most historic legislation to pass since the 1970s Controlled Substances Act for cannabis sativa," he said.
By ROBBIE HARRIS | 07/11/2018
"This is not something that you're just going to just jump into and think that you're going to make a lot of money right away. That's just not the case. We've got to build our market here," said Amatucci.
By LAURA PETERS | 06/29/2018 01:01 PM EDT
"We do not have to go through universities anymore, but we can still work with them if we life," he said. "Anybody in Virginia can apply to VDAC for a license for industrial hemp farming or processing."

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