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Overcome CBD/ Nature's Hemp Oil

What is Overcome?

Overcome (formerly Nature's Hemp Oil) is a leader in the hemp industry, focused on promoting quality control products with the consumer in mind. Overcome was founded in 2017 by Anavii Market co-founder, Annie Rouse, as a way


for her to have a trusted and secure method of using CBD oil for her needs, her communities needs and her four-legged friends.

Overcome is located in heart of the bluegrass region and hemp country in Lexington, Kentucky and like Annie, their hemp-derived CBD oil products are born and raised in Kentucky. Overcome supports Kentucky farmers and manufacturers to ensure the sustainability in the local economy and local hemp industry, providing US Hemp Authority Certified tinctures and pet products. 

Overcome values their customers’ safety and satisfaction more than anything else, which is why the company was one of the first of thirteen companies to take progressive steps to receive the US Hemp Authority Seal of Certification. The US Hemp Authority Seal consists of an in-person annual audit that monitors safety and legality in the hemp market. 

Beyond the Authority Seal, to an effort to ensure their products are reliable and safe for consumption, Overcome products go through a rigorous testing process, using internal lab testing as well as third-party lab testing at both Eurofins and Proverde laboratories, to assure a high level of quality and safety in their hemp-derived CBD oil. The company’s hemp oil is tested three times throughout the supply chain process to determine the concentration of cannabinoids, verify the product’s quality, and be sure that the hemp CBD oil is free from any and all contaminants.

Overcome products not only supports the US hemp CBD market, but also the US hemp grain market by combining their full spectrum hemp-derived CBD oil and cannabinoid and terpene blend with cold-pressed hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is a wonderful source of Omega 3, Vitamin E, Magnesium, chlorophyll and other vital micronutrients that our bodies need to maintain optimal nutrition on a day-to-day basis.  

Hemp seed oil is also an ideal carrier oil for cannabinoids because it is considered a long-chain triglyceride (LCT) meaning that the hemp seed oil is able to push the cannabinoids through the body more effectively than medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) like coconut oil or palm oil. This means that the cannabinoids in the products have an increased absorption rate than products containing MCT oil. 

Not only does Overcome focus on providing the best CBD oil possible, but the company and its founders also actively support the growth of a sustainable US hemp industry by giving time and valuable resources to help maintain healthy US markets from CBD oil, to food to fiber and more. 

The company’s hemp oil is extracted from the hemp plant without using harsh solvents. To extract CBD oil from hemp crops, Overcome uses a non-toxic solvent, supercritical CO2, to avoid any risk of contamination. As if that wasn’t enough, all of the company’s products are made with nature's ingredients and none of the hemp plants used in the creation of Overcome CBD products are genetically modified in any way, making sure that each product is using exclusively all natural hemp. 

Overcome CBD Tinctures for humans provide an all natural peppermint flavor which combined with the earthy tones of the cannabinoids and hemp seed oil create a complimenting and refreshing flavor. Conversely, Nature's Hemp Oil for pets is unflavored. 

Overcome and CBD products are sold legally throughout the United States. 


What is Cannabidiol (CBD)? - How Overcome Fits In:

Cannabidiol (CBD) is just one of over 100 naturally occurring cannabinoids found so far in hemp plants. CBD is considered to be one of the non-psychoactive, anti-inflammatory components of the cannabis plants and is recognized by the US Department of Health and Human Services as being a neuroprotectant and anti-oxidant.  

CBD is often present in higher volumes and quantities in hemp than in its illicit cannabis cousin. Its health benefits have been touted around the globe as an effective treatment for a variety of concerns, and more recently the World Health Organization deemed CBD as safe, even at high levels. It can be ingested in various ways, including orally like in products provided by Nature's Hemp Oil as well as in via other methods like topically or through inhalation.

Today, CBD is being routinely tested and studied to better understand its full range of effects. Before purchasing a Overcome CBD product, be sure to do your own research and learn more about the science of cannabinoids.


Shop for Overcome CBD Products at Anavii Market

Anavii Market is a leading seller of Overcome CBD products. Here are a few of the Nature's Hemp Oil products we offer:

  • Overcome 1500 mg Full Spectrum CBD Tincture
  • Overcome 500 mg Full Spectrum CBD Tincture
  • Overcome 250 mg Full Spectrum CBD CBD Tincture
  • Nature's Hemp Oil For Pets - 250mg CBD Hemp Extract Tincture
  • Nature's Hemp Oil - CBD Combo Deal - Pet Friendly

If you would like more information regarding Overcome CBD products or hemp products in general, please do not hesitate contact us here or give us a call at 502-209-8808; we’re more than happy to help! Anavii Market is the number one seller of Overcome products.

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